Maharashtra Energy Development Agency (MEDA) Government of Maharashtra Institution
Maha Krushi Urja Abhiyan -PM Kusum Yojana : Beneficiary Registration Form
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Vendor Service Center Detailsमहाकृषि ऊर्जा अभियान – प्रधानमंत्री कुसुम योजना सूचना
अटल सौर कृषिपंप योजना-१ व २ आणि मुख्यमंत्री सौर कृषिपंप योजनेमध्ये लाभ घेतलेले शेतकरी महाकृषि ऊर्जा अभियन पीएम-कुसुम घटक-ब योजनेसाठी पात्र नाहीत. त्यामुळे त्यांनी महाकृषि ऊर्जा अभियन पीएम-कुसुम घटक-ब योजनेच्या पोर्टलवर ऑनलाईन अर्ज भरु नयेत. तरी सुद्धा अर्ज भरल्यास त्यांचा अर्ज रद्द करण्यात येईल. महाकृषि ऊर्जा अभियन पीएम-कुसुम घटक-ब योजनेअंतर्गत एका लाभार्थी शेतकऱ्याने एकाच सौर कृषिपंपाकरीता अर्ज सादर करावा. एकापेक्षा जास्त अर्ज सादर केल्यास इतर अर्ज रद्द करण्यात येईल.
तसेच असे निदर्शनास आले आहे की उपरोक्त योजनेअंतर्गत सौर कृषिपंपाचा लाभ घेतलेले शेतकरी सौर कृषिपंप काढून ठेवतात व लाभ घेतला नसल्याचे भासवून दुसरा सौर कृषिपंप महाकृषि ऊर्जा अभियन पीएम- कुसुम घटक-ब योजने अंतर्गत आस्थापित करुन घेतात. अशी बाब निदर्शनास आल्यास त्यांच्याकडील सौर कृषिपंप काढून घेण्यात येईल व त्यांनी भरलेली लाभार्थी हिस्सा रक्कम जप्त करण्यात येईल व अशा शेतकऱ्यांच्या विरुद्ध FIR करण्यात येईल याची कृपया नोंद घ्यावी.
If you receive this error message, it means you have already registered for the MAHA Kusum solar pump Yojana.
Please use your application number to log in.
If you have forgotten your application number, you can use your mobile number as a username and utilize the "forget password" functionality to recover your password.
To recover your password, visit the following link:
If the issue persists, please contact your nearest MEDA office or send an email to the MEDA IT Department.
If you receive this error message, it means your phone number is already associated with another application number. To proceed with the registration, please use a new phone number that is not already linked to the MEDA Kusum Yojana.
If you encounter this error popup, it means that the district quota for your chosen district has been filled. Please be patient as new quota allocations for your district will be made available soon.
If you encounter this error popup, it means that the district quota for your caste category has been filled in your district. Please rest assured that new quota allocations specific to your caste will be made available in your district soon.
To complete the application process, you are required to select your landowner details from the Mahabhumi Abhilekh portal. The 100 Rupees application fee is necessary to cover the associated administrative costs.
If you have already made a payment of a hundred rupees and are being asked to pay again, please consider the following possibilities:
If you encounter a situation where you paid a hundred rupees after seeing the available quota in your district, but it is now exhausted, please follow these steps:
The landowner details and land area information are fetched from the MAHA Bhumi Abhilekh portal API. If you are unable to see your details, please verify them on the Maha Bhumi Abhilekh portal. If the issue persists and you are still unable to view your details, please contact SCP Maharaja for further assistance.
As per the registration process, you will not receive your application number and password immediately after the payment of a hundred rupees. After making the payment, you need to complete the remaining steps of the application, which include filling in details such as landowner information, GAT/survey number, land area, email address, phone number, and caste category etc. Once you have verified the OTP, you will receive your application number and password.
If you have not received the OTP, it could be due to low mobile network strength or if you have registered for DND (Do Not Disturb) services. Please wait until you receive the OTP and verifiaction link.
Depending on the strength of your mobile network, you should receive your application number and password shortly. Please wait for a while and check again.
After receiving the application number and password, you need to complete your profile. Log in to the beneficiary dashboard and fill in your address details, water source details, and upload the required documents. Once you have submitted all 8 steps, your application will be considered for pump allocation and shortlisting.
If you encounter this error message while completing your profile, it means that the quota for pumps in your district has been filled. Please do not register again. Instead, wait for the quota to be replenished. Keep checking the beneficiary login page, and once the quota is available, you can proceed with completing your profile.
Please log out and log in from the beneficiary login, if the mobile number is already used you will get the option to update your mobile. Once you update your mobile then only you will able to complete your profile. Please click on the UPDATE MOBILE button. Enter Your new mobile number, If you got an error saying 'This mobile number is already used' try entering another mobile number. Then click on submit button. Your mobile number will be updated. You can complete your profile afterward.
After completing your profile, you need to wait for your application to be shortlisted. Once your application is selected, you will receive a text message notifying you of the selection. If there are any discrepancies in your documents or any other parameters, you will receive instructions on how to address them in the SMS.
If your application is shortlisted, you will receive an SMS instructing you to make a payment for the solar pump. The SMS will mention the amount you need to pay. To make the payment, you need to download the MEDA beneficiary application and log in using your mobile number. Verify the OTP received on your phone number and you will find a "Make Payment" button in the application. Click on the button and make the payment as directed. After successful payment, you will receive an SMS confirmation.
Please check your phone's internet connection and then click on the "Upload Survey" button. If the issue persists, contact the MEDA Computer Department with your application number and a description of the issue. They will assist you in resolving the problem so you can proceed with your application.
If the money has been debited from your account and you still see the "Make Payment" button, please contact or email the MEDA Accounts Department along with the MEDA Computer Department. Provide them with details of your transaction and screenshots of the payment. Once they confirm and update the status, the "Make Payment" button should no longer be displayed.
If you encounter this error message when trying to select a vendor, please contact your nearest MEDA office or email the MEDA Computer Department with your concern. They will assist you and inform you when the vendor quota becomes available in your district. Once the quota is assigned, you will be able to select a vendor for the solar pump.
After selecting a vendor, you will receive the contact information for that specific vendor. Please reach out to them, as a lineman will visit your location to conduct a survey of your irrigation source and gather additional details. Once the survey is completed, you will receive an SMS with the lineman's details and the survey date. It is important that you be present at the site of your irrigation source during the survey.
If the lineman has successfully uploaded your survey to the server and it has been approved, you can expect to receive your solar pump soon. For the latest updates regarding your pump installation, please contact the representative of the vendor assigned to you.
If you are facing issues with your solar pump, you can log in to the MEDA beneficiary application or website and go to the "Add Grievance" section. There, you can report your concerns regarding the solar pump. MEDA will address your grievance and provide assistance.
If you encounter any issues with the Kusum Mahaurja website, please send an email to scp@mahaurja.com and explain the problem you are facing. Make sure to include your application number or other relevant details it will help to identify and address the issue.
Please exercise caution and only make payments through the official domain, kusum.mahaurja.com.
Download the latest MEDA beneficiary application from the Google Play store.
Do not transfer money to anyone, as MEDA has an integrated payment gateway in their official applications and websites. The entire process is online, so do not give cash to anyone or share your OTP.